Sunday, February 6, 2011


Here it is.
SUNDAY once more. :)
Love Sundays.
Lets play a game.
Favorite part of the day?
Sleeping in
I sang in the girls Young womans class.
After the spirit was so thick and peaceful
I sat back down inbetween my daughters.
And I held their hands.
I hope they know I would climb mountains for them.
What did I learn?
I learned that Im speaking in church in a few weeks
{insert throw-up chunks here}
and that I got a calling today....BUT I CAN'T SHARE!
How do I feel?
Feel happy.
I Even bore my testimony....hate when my heart feels like its going to explode.
Either that or pee my pants!
Excited to go eat good food in 2 hours!
cuz im staving, my ribs might be showing.
HA! I wish!
Go Steelers!


Megan said...

U are too cute!! My favorite part of Sunday?? Making treats after church with whomever wants to join me that day.

AshleyAnn said...

So many things to say about your beautiful blog! Based on your profile pic and the pics with your are about the cutest thing ever. Such a fun blog...and I really want to go make and apron now!