I Love my birthday.
I loved all the texts and emails I got through the day.
I was a happy girl. ;)
Mike brought me home Flowers. :)
Remember when I said What I got was better then SHOES?
how is that even possible.....
I think I found a new addiction.
{Meet kris and deena}
My Friends took me down to Fashion place.
never been.
To the Bare minerals make-up STORE!
never been.
and had my makeup done!.
never done that.
and I bought "unmentionable" amount of make-up.
Never splurged on make-up in my LIFE!
I'm 34.....and its time. ;)
I have never been into makeup to be honest.
what have I been missing out on? This is so amazing.
so pretty!
so girly!
feels so light and soft.
The brushes!
The Colors
The containers
The shimmery......oh!
I went and bought a makeup counter organizer ... Cuz Im kinda a big deal now ya know......
We continued on our evening with dinner at the cheesecake factory!
never been!
and then Carried on Shopping.......Between us 3, we can do some damage...
We are pretty good at swiping ........{ya know?, the card? Swiping the card...lol}
The next day {Yesterday}
My friend Marissa Took me to SL to the pancake house.
never been!
WOW! You must go!!!
I also went over to My friend Aprils house.
Luv her.
Like Alot.
Mike Took me out last night...
Dinner, MORE shopping...........seriously.
I Might { i said"Might"} be shopped out!
I got a new phone.....and Mike decided i was cooler then him .....so he had to copy.
BUT---he switched carriers and got the Droid X.
So----now, he is COOLER then me........DANG IT!

{i had to add salt and vinegar chips for I feel its my birthday and I'm entitled to the whole bag}
We picked up A movie on the way home.
put the kids to bed.
Got jammies on.
and the REST is Nunya. :)