Saturday, November 27, 2010

hair and not creepy!

So i saw this girls hair a few weeks back....
and I can't stop thinking about it.
its so sassy and wild......
I hope who ever this is, it doesn't get back to her that I now have these pictures of her on my blog....
needless to say...its kinda creepy of me.
BUT------I'm only doing this for HAIR purpose ONLY!
{even tho she is very darling and ever so stylish}
I have always been a lover for short hair.
and I have SNAIL hair. Grows like an inch a year i swear!
my hair the longest its ever been...................................{and mikey likes it}
so im torn....
CUTE AND SASSY and funky and wild?
long hair.
I say that Like long hair is dumb.
I know its not.
I just don't want to be frumpy and nerdy.
thats all!
{and BTW---Jax wants to be a toothfairy when he grows up...should I be concerned?}


Just a bed of roses said...

I say go for the WALKER hair!

hmmm, yeah, I think being a fairy is not a good thing for Jackson.

Liz H said...

Hair long or short - you'll never be boring - still thinking about the nerdy thing. ;P

Tell him being the tooth fairy is a part time job and he'll have to come up with a full time job. Then keep the story for when he gets "the" job of his dreams!