Thursday, December 16, 2010

Waaaa, I need new shoes!

Abbie and I went to the Dermie today.
I have never gone....but I knew I had some Moles i needed looked at.
Things like this are so lame.
Who wants to waist time to do dumb stuff like this?
All Morning i thought to my self....i think i might die today.
and mike will not be with me......ohhhhh the sadness!
Anyways, Abbie wanted to talk about her cute little 14 year old Zitties too.
SO we made a date
. {its ONLY a date if it involves shoes and Sonic}
He looked at my moles {not good}
and looked at 5 little sores/bumps i have on my body, That i keep putting off!
They are SORE! and hurt when I get cold or goosebumps.
And he says to me:
"WELL the good news is, i doubt they are cancer cuz your not dead"
I have had them for a few years
then said:
"BAD news...they should be removed.....but, we will only take biopsy samples today"
I squealed like a little girl as he gets the numbing shots ready...
I TOLD HIM i need a new pair of shoes cuz of the trama..... :)
and he told me he had to buy his wife 2 pairs at Nordies over the weekend....and we laughed!
I now have 2 HOLES in my body. that STING! and ACHE!
I should be tougher then this.....I have pushed out 4 BABIES!!!!
but im not....i hate shots and i hate things that hurt.
who does?
So, I found this sweater and i decided i love it more then shoes today.
I dunno if its "a fashion NO NO" to add to things when you buy them?
But im going to anyways.
I will add A few peices of lace and ruffles to this sweater.
cuz i want to.
and I have battle wounds.
We also made a pit stop to Sonic for a dt. coke, white coconut and lime drink. Mmmm, simply blissful!
Sonic is always so good to me. :)
Abbie got off easy......she got cream to put on every night.
ME? i have to go see Mr. Dermie once a month.
being a girl is dumb.....Do we think shoes will fix everything and save the world?
But it sure makes us happy skipping down the street is DARLING SHOES!
If your not a shoe lover......then I don't think we can be friends!


~Ali~ said...

Dumb dumb Dermie! ha ha and I pretty much love that sweater too!! Good find! I could use a whole new wardrobe I need to go to the dermie to get it?? ROR!!!

Shelley Hansen said...

Guess we are not friends then...bummer....I kinda liked you! haha

Jeri said...

Funny! Sorry you hurt...that stinks! Love the sweater...yes add some stuff. Um, Did you know the closest Sonic to me is 1.5 hours away!!!!!! I die every time you type about a yummy drink. I didn't know they could do coconut! That is my fav, and I have just always been so so so happy with a cherry limeade. Darn, now I am crying about that!

Amber Madsen said...

Remind me NOT to visit Mr. Dermi!!! Sorry for you! BTW- I am soooo glad we can be friends cause I LOVE shoes!!!! {That may be an understatement!!!}

Holli said...

I do like shoes but I don't have cute little narrow feet to put in them. Wish I I did.