Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thankful 16

Oh gees.









I ran 6 miles.....yay me!




I mention this every Thanksgiving and Valentines "Thankfuls" and "Loves"

but I am thankful for my mom's morning thoughts she sends through email...

She has done this for approx 7 years.....{yes mother?}

Anyways, I love her devotion she has put into this....somedays I KNOW she was inspired

"Annie needs this today" even tho she may have not known I needed it!


Todays Thought was:


"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak.......Sometimes it means you are strong enough to let it go"

~Author unknown




Love it!!


Things are gunna be ok!

and its because I said so........


Megan said...

Wow! Love that quote! Very timely for us over here.....sigh....!! You look marvelous, btw.

Brad and Jamie said...

Hey Annie. Let me just preface this message by saying that I don't normally do this...actually, I've never done this, so I hope it comes across in the way it was meant. From my heart. That sounds weird being that we're not really close and all, but I was sitting here reading my scriptures and I had my computer next to me with my blog list on the screen. I saw your blog listing and thought of you. Soooo, here I am sharing my thoughts.

A couple weeks ago I came across a scripture that really made an impact on me. Jacob 2:8, the last 2 lines. ..."the pleasing word of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul." The beginning of 2011 was a rough start to say the least. January pretty much sucked, but it got better. I really relied on my scriptures..really put them to the test, and I was amazed at the difference it made. My heart wasn't so bitter, I found I was looking for good things about the person I was so mad at. I tried harder to be good and happy. So I guess what I'm saying is that I know the "good word of God" can heal a wounded soul. It healed mine.

I'm sorry this is so personal and on your blog....I didn't know of any other way to contact you. So feel free to delete it or do whatever. I'm not trying to be preachy...I just did what I felt I needed to do. I don't know your situation right now, but know that I've thought about you often. Good luck deserve to be happy!


bigtallhorses said...

Love it Leaky! Even your running clothes are stinkin cute! You're the best...and your Mom is too...