Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Broken things...

Yesterday was the DAY to get Jackson's Cast off......
Then I get a text from mike that said Jackson arm didn't heal right...
{they said he must have fell or hurt it while it was in a cast...isn't that why it was in a cast?} hello?
And that he may need surgery and to re-brake it.
I about cried!
They ended up recasting it.....a shorter cast.
For another 3 weeks.
So it can finish fusing together.....
Here is the pictures Mike took with his phone..........
Send Jax your HUGS!!!!
My Side of The Closet broke.
I noticed it a few weeks ago....Coming away from the wall...
so I stopped hanging my clothes up...
I was tired of my clothes on the floor so I hung a pile and OFF IT CAME!!
lucky mike was there.....
So, lucky him---he got to fix it last night!
WHOever installed this closet were RETARDS!
They are bearly mounted it.......Don't they know A woman would be living here?
We own more then 5 shirts ya know.... :)
better! ;)
{Annie, stop buying clothes!} The was mike speaking.....
Im plugging my ears. la la la la.........
Got this lovely invite in the mail today.
What a surprise!!!!
Sounds like a night out with my 4 sisters.......bliss!
Today is good.
Today is warm.
Spent the morning with my good friend Angie.
Bought a CUTE shirt.
She bought me a smoothie.
Cleaned my craft room.
Mike is changing the oil in the cars.
Brought me lunch.
Fixed a pair of Abbie's Jeans.
The end.

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