Monday, August 1, 2011

Count the happies.......




Count My Happies......

I choose NOT to forget.





Music. It inspires and heals. {get it from my dad...thanks dad!}

My children. Even the boogery face days.

Bubble baths. Took them twice a day since I was little.

Knee high socks. They make me smile.

Shoes. Better then chocolate

My friends. I can't even count the ways........

{old and new}

Painting my toes


Things PINK. Things with lace and things that sparkle!

Lotions and smelly stuff.

Gummy peach circles

Sonic, Dt Coke, white coconut and Lime.

The Sun.

The Water.

Holding hands.

Things that are Old. Finding a new purpose.

My Family. I need them.

Forgivness. LOVE, Strength you never knew you had.

Late Night conversations.




Having memories and photographs that tell me life is good.

1 comment:

Honeybee said...

Sweet post & I LoVE the picture of your daughter with the moustache. Sooo cute! I'm going to have to show my 13 year old that & take a picture of her doing that too. Moustaches always make me :)