Friday, October 19, 2012


If you love me.
Truly love me.
and will continue to love me............
click over to my new white fresh canvas.
And, She Will Fly!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

School Of Fish....

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I love my "school of fish" FAMILY!
After this weekend I saw our families meaningful phrase come into play!
How blessed am I??
what a magical weekend....

Friday, July 27, 2012

What I love.....what inspires me......

We all have a way to express.
let go.
fill Your bucket.
and put your mind in a place where you can purely focus on something you LOVE!
Obviously you probably know the answer,,,,,,
# 1 would be my kids!
#2 Would be photography.
Photography is just a word.
But, what is put INTO it is what matters....
& Creativity.

Never really had a passion for taking pictures.
Until I had my youngest, Charlee!
I wanted to capture her as a newborn being she would be my caboose and i didn't want to forget those SMALL important things we love as mothers.
From there on out, I was INFATUATED!
About the details!
Capturing The Emotion!
And so I could remember and feel the picture as I looked back!
I can't tell you how it feels when a client tells me their  session has changed their life, their relationships and the love for their baby or family member!
When a client emails me or messages me in tears with such gratitude!
INSPIRES ME TO NO END to know I am doing exactly what I'm suppose to be doing, even tho I have many doubts and insecurities.
and I move forward from session to session with the same intention for each one!
It feeds me.
I get to look and feel my way through EACH separate individual and try and capture them as they are in that moment,  in that time,  in their life!
and put a little bit OF ME in each picture.
Because its my art, the way I see it and the way I feel it!
It runs through my veins......
I feel very VERY very fortunate and blessed to have picked up this talent.
and I know EXACTLY who to thank!
The big GUY above is kinda one COOL man.
I thank him everyday.
Funny How things you would have NEVER thought would drive you to be a better, Stronger, more powerful person. As well as a better Artist.......:)
  Thankful for trails and road bumps today----
EVEN tho, I certainly do NOT understand a whole hell of  what goes on.
And I won't probably in this life time, But.........
I HAVE SUCH big and HUGE and exciting things that are are in the works for me as a photographer {and person} that has been my dream....and im gunna climb my way to the tippy top of this mountain.

He brings trials!
But he ALSO brings blessings in BIG packages......:)
and I am thankful for BOTH!

Here is some sessions I am currently working on.....

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Meet Miss Princess.............

I had to try out my new Photography prop....and what better way then on the cutest little girl
I know!  :)
She wouldn't take it off.
Thanks mom for sharing your talent!!!!
I sure love this girl!

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Me and My sisters had a fun outting a couple days ago!
Lunch, and a play, and icecream and farmers market!
half of a day with my best friends!!
love those days.........:)
Altho I waddled around.......Me and keri did a 9 mile run that morning in the was a
but was awesome!
We have been waking up at 5:30 in the mornings and running....
this week?
My poor toes!
LOVE having a running partner!

Lots of randoms going on at our house!
Some stressful and some fantastic!
Abbie leaves for Youth Conferance in a few days!
boating for 3 days?
How did she LUCK OUT!  lol
Even tho i have trials and have had some bumps in my road....
Today---I feel blessed!
I read a quote that said:
"In an ordinary day…there are a thousand miracles.
Look for them today"
We had a lesson on sunday about "Climbing mountains" and how to come out on top even tho we have hardships along the way.......I cannot began to tell you how that has effected me this week.
We can ALL do hard things!
And I know I can.....
My mom shared this with us a few days ago:
As we build and grow and love, we sometimes hurt and become sad as we let go of things we need to let go of, and we hang onto what we are meant to hang on to. We almost drown, and then we get saved. We almost lose our breath, and then we get pulled out of it and we catch our breath again as we cough up water,

and we exhale as we find equilibrium. And we hear words of wisdom from those around us w...
ho love us, who counsel us as we go through immense sadness and remind us of what we all know…which is that it will somehow be OK….

It'll be OK. And it's OK to be sad. It's OK to cough up water and shed tears. It's OK to admit weakness. It's OK to be honest. It's OK to ask for help and forgiveness. It's OK to let go. And on the road to OK it's one hour at a time sometimes. And you look at that hour that you are in and realize it's better than the hour you were last in, and you hope that the hour that's coming next will be better still.
 ~jenny doh
The sun will come out tomorrow!
And I am SOOOoooo glad it does.  :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Get Skooled............

3rd grade!
My start of School Pictures.......
Starts With my Little man.
Mr. Jax!
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baby in a suitcase!

I know right?
Last nights session was JUST as I invisioned in this brain of mine!
How can you go WRONG with a baby in a suitcase?

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A little Bit of me.......


There is a place I drive by up here in Logan that I never have time to stop in.......
So I drive by time and time again.........and whimper slightly like a puppy.
Until the next time..........and it repeats!
Well today.......Unexpectedly and unplanned and hurried and parked and ran in QUICK!
Looked around and drooled over numerous things that I have NO room or need for.....
But my heart was still happy walking around and admiring all the eye candy!
As I was about ready to leave because I was gunna pee my pants, I saw something in the corner of my eye.....and I backed up!
I squeeled!
Quickly picked it up and it became MINE!
Another addition to my vintage camera family!

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Had Lunch with My sister today!
Enjoyed muchly needed girl talk!
Things were confirmed to me about some stuff  I have been teetering about in my life.
I was on the fence!
SISTERS are the best......know one knows you better then your sisters....:)
Today was good......OH, so good!
Here is a picture of my 15k i ran on the 4th!
9.3 Miles.......
It was hard.....It was hot......but I never stopped!
I pushed Through!
LOVE the unity runners have.......nothing better then HI fiveing a total stranger or giving the thumbs up when someone passes another or one struggles to hit the next mile.

Things I learned today:
Make choices for YOU!
NO one has to understand why or how or where or what or when.....
Do what works for you.........Do what brings YOU your HAPPY!
We make things more complicated then we should.....
Life is to be enjoyed......:)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vintage Love.....

A little vintage love-----

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I dunno how I ever get so lucky with beautiful subjects.....
but this was extra special to me...:)
cuz well,  I kinda know her.......
These turned out better then what I had set up and imagined in my head....
Vintage love.
How can you EVER go wrong with vintage!

Im Thinking Vintage School picture packages.......
Im thinking YES!!!